Monday, December 7, 2009

Fall 2009 Newsletter Now Available!

Check out the latest issue of the newsletter!

Please go on this link:

Note: Adobe Reader is required to open the page. You can save the newsletter by clicking on the save button -found at the top of the page- once the page is loaded.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

English Poetry Workshop

On the 18th of November, Ms. Sylvie Raymond gave a workshop on English Poetry at the UAEU Writing Center. Students who attended the workshop thought that it was very beneficial and interesting, and many of them have attempted to write their own poems ever since. Here are a few pictures from the event:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Suggestion Box

The Writing Center has recently added a "Suggestion Box" to ask for students' feedback. It can be found right on the coffee table as you walk into the Writing Center. Should you have any comments, suggestions, or complaints, please write them on a piece of paper and put them in the box. We will later on gather the slips and check them.

Thank you for coming to the Writing Center. Your input is of great value to us.

The Writing Center Staff

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Peer Tutor Training

Peer tutors have been attending workshops given by Mr. Mike Cornelius in which they have been trained to deal with various writing tasks for the IELTS exams. For example, they have learned how to teach students IELTS bar charts and how to effectively write essays for the IELTS timed writing tasks .

Here are a few pictures taken at one of the training sessions:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

UAEU Writing Center's Podcast: Episode 2

This is the second episode of the UAEU Writing Center's podcast!

Episode #2: An Interview With David Rumptz

In this episode, Adam asks Mr. Rumptz some questions about writing. Mr. Rumptz shares his experiences and gives valuable writing advice to the students.

Enjoy and stay tuned for upcoming episodes!

Note: Please use Realplayer or Orbit to download podcasts and videos

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

English Majles

On Tuesday the 29th of September, peer tutor Ferdy gave a workshop titled "English Majles" at Seih Bin Ammar male student hostel. The workshop was very entertaining, and included various activities such as games and English practice.

The guys first introduced themselves and then had a casual conversation with Ferdy to practice their speaking skills. Afterwards, Ferdy introduced three games:

The first game was a guessing game, the second was a spelling bee, and the last one was a whispering game. The students were divided into two groups. These are the pictures taken at the event:

Monday, September 28, 2009




SUNDAYS: 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Peer tutor Musa will be there to assist you with any problems you may have in writing.

Come on in!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

UAEU Writing Center Welcome Video

Check out our new welcome video!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Welcome everybody to the new semester! The UAEU Writing Center wishes you the best of luck with your studies!

We expect great things from all of our students!

Keep writing everyone!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fall 2008 Cultural Writing Competition Winners!

Congratulations again to all the winners of the Cultural Writing Competition! This year's contestants had excellent writings that were expressive, interesting, and promising!

To read the winners' writings, download from this site:

Note: Please use Winzip or Winrar to unzip the file

English Writing

Here are the names of the winners:

1st prize winner: Zena N Abdullahi "The Nation In hopelessness"

2nd prize winner: Adel Abdulrahman "My Angel, My Mother"

3rd prize winner: Adam Ahmed "What Is Wrong With Me?"

4th prize winner: Noor Ghazal- Aswad "Nana"5th prize winner: Hassam Yousef Hittini "The War"

5th prize winner: Hassam Yousef Hittini "The War"

Writing Center Promotional Videos

If you are experiencing low buffer rates with Google's Video Player, please go on this link:

It will take you to the official Writing Center website. Click on the thumbnails to view the videos. Hopefully, they'll load faster.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

UAEU Writing Center's First Promotional Video (Maqam Campus)

This is the Writing Center's first promotional video for the Maqam Campus! Enjoy:

Note: Please use Realplayer or Orbit to download podcasts and videos

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Adel's Poem

Check out Adel reciting his poem titled "The Dream Of My Life"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

UAEU Writing Center's First Arabic Podcast!

Yes, it's finally here! This is the first episode of the UAEU writing center's Arabic podcast. In this episode, Adam introduces himself and explains more about the Writing Center. Enjoy and stay tuned for upcoming episodes!

نعم، إنها هنا أخيراً! هذه هي الحلقة الأولى للتسجيل الصوتي من مركزِ الكتابة في جامعة الإمارات العربية المتحدة . في هذه الحلقة، يعرّف آدم عن نفسه ويُوضّح أموراً تتعلق بمركزِ الكتابة. نتمنى لكم أن تقضوا أوقاتاً سعيدة و ترقبوا الحلقة القادمة بإذن الله

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HAIKU Workshop Today!

There will be a very, very interesting HAIKU workshop today!

(Japanese style poem, only 3 lines, usually 3-5-3 syllables)

The event will be held from 2:00-3:00 PM at the Writing Center. Please come and tell your friends and classmates to come!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Arabic Workshops Now Available!

Need help with your Arabic reports or projects? Come along and join other students who are attending Dr. Amaneddine's review workshops at the UAEU Writing Center!

For more information, please visit the Writing Center.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Read And React

The “Read and React” board (available at the Writing Center) can help improve the students' reading and writing skills. It contains updated newspaper articles, announcements, and notices in both English and Arabic. Students can read whatever is posted on the board and then react by writing their comments and thoughts on anything they find interesting.

"Tie The Knot" Workshop

On the 8th of April, Dr. Raney Benner organized two workshops titled “Tie The Knot” at the UAEU Writing Center . The workshops, which included a demonstration of how to tie a tie, were a great success to the extent that the entire writing center was fully packed with students. Many students were glad to learn more about how to tie a tie. Dr. Benner also showcased lots of different items from various countries around the world, such as Japanese fans, Kimonos, CDs, and swords.

Here are a few pictures from the event:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Featured Writing: Walking into the Unknown

“You’re all on your own my precious daughter. You have to not depend on us. However, we’ll be there whenever you need us.” I got out of the car and waited for a moment, watching my mother drive away. When she disappeared around a corner, I walked inside to the unknown.
There I was, in a mesmerizing place, with no sense of direction. I was turning my head from side to side looking for the building I was told to go to a week ago. I stood at an intersection where the four roots led to big buildings. I stood there for a while and decided to ask for directions from a flock of students standing beside me. They were freshmen too and seeking the same building as I was.

We talked amongst each other and decided to head left. There was a huge unlabeled building with tens of students waiting at the doors ahead of us. It turned out, after asking, that it was our destination. I isolated myself from everyone and stood in a corner. After around fifteen, a couple of adults (who I assumed to be the one’s responsible for the first day orientation) opened the doors of the building from the inside. They stood at there for a while and the students entered one by one, and so did I.

The place I just entered was a weird gymnasium; one that was used at the moment as a lecture hall and a stadium. Noises echoed in the large hall as the students filled up the seats. The seated students were blankly staring at a group of serious-looking adults consisting of both males and females, but not including the ones I saw at the doors. The adults were silent and checking the unseated noisy students moving about.

Personally, I sat in the end of one of the nine blocks that constituted the stadium. There was no one on my left, but on my right there was a colorfully-dressed girl, who was unique amongst the black-dressed students-including myself. There was noise everywhere and I started to get irritated. But the loud screech of a microphone save the moment and cleared the air. At this point, everybody was paying attention to the adults.

After the recitation of some Islamic commencing statements, a short chubby man of about fifty years old began talking to us about expectations, rules, and opportunities. After a twenty-minute non-sop talk, he finally took his seat. This time, a veiled woman came to the stand and listed the different places that we could visit to receive help with regards to any needs we have. She chattered more about how university life is supposed to be like. The more she spoke the more her words were becoming awfully familiar. “…you have to be autonomous and depend on yourselves. No one here is going to spoon-feed you everything like when you were in school. Your decisions should be made and implemented by you and only you. You should distinguish between what’s good and what’s bad for your own sake…”

The orientation finished after thirty more minutes of talks, directions, and advices. I walked out of the building and stood somewhere where I could see everything. Looking around me, I tried to figure out my head from my toes. I was scared and confused in the middle of tens of buildings not knowing where to go next. I let out a deep sigh of desperation and decided to follow my heart. I was on the move a while later.

Written by: Seira Ben-Ammar

Spring 2009 Newsletter Now Available!

Check out the latest issue of the newsletter!

Please go on this link:

Note: Adobe Reader is required to open the page. You can save the newsletter by clicking on the save button once the page is loaded.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fall 2008 Cultural Writing Competition Winners!

Congratulations to all the winners of the Cultural Writing Competition!

This year's contestants had excellent writings that were expressive, interesting, and promising!

Here are the names of the winners:

English Writing

1st prize winner: Zena N Abdullahi "The Nation In hopelessness"

2nd prize winner: Adel Abdulrahman "My Angel, My Mother"

3rd prize winner: Adam Ahmed "What Is Wrong With Me?"

4th prize winner: Noor Ghazal- Aswad "Nana"

5th prize winner: Hassam Yousef Hittini "The War"

Arabic Writing

1st prize winner: Sundos Zeyad "How Difficult The Waiting Moments Are"

2nd prize winner: Abd-AlGader Khalid "Pains and Hopes"

3rd prize winner: Khulood Hassan Al-Neimi "Hope Is The Life Consul"

4th prize winner: Add-Rahman Maan Sophi "How Long"

5th prize winner: Aisha Abd-Allah Al-Nuaimi "Naked Without a Nation"

We wish all our student writers the best of luck.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

UAEU Writing Center's Official Website

Check out the UAEU writing center's official website!

The website contains lots of useful writing resources for your convenience, including practice sheets, time management skills, critical thinking strategies, and more.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009




SUNDAY - WEDNESDAY : 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Teachers and peer tutors are there to help you with all types of academic and creative writing, especially ESP
Location: Room 78

UAEU Writing Center's First Podcast!

Yes, it's finally here! This is the first episode of the UAEU writing center's podcast.

Episode #1: An Introduction To The Writing Center

In this episode, Adam and Marwan introduce themselves and Adam asks Marwan questions that many students might have about the writing center.

Enjoy and stay tuned for upcoming episodes!

Note: Please use Realplayer or Orbit to download podcasts and videos

Friday, March 20, 2009

UAEU Writing Center's First Promotional Video!

This is the Writing Center's first promotional video! Enjoy:

ote: Please use Realplayer or Orbit to download podcasts and videos

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Featured Posts!

Do you want your writing to be featured on our blog? We can check it and provide some feedback, and if it were to be accepted, post your own writing on our blog! Simply send us an e-mail to

Writing Center Pics

So here are a few pictures that were taken at the bustling writing center.:

Peer tutors working with students in the writing center

Our friendly peer tutors are at your service! Rahmi, we all like your mellow smile!

Oh and don't worry about us being shorthanded!

Interesting biographies of peer tutors

UAEU Writing Center's Podcast!

The UAEU writing center is in the process of making its first podcast! Episode one of the podcast would include a general introduction as well as questions and answers that many students might have about the Writing Center. Subsequent episodes would include various interesting topics about writing, such as the problems that students face in essays, storytelling, and writing tips.

Stay Tuned!

Meet Some of Our Teachers!

Jennie Murray and Stephen Price

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Meet Some of Our Peer Tutors!

From Left to right (first row): Abbubacar, Ferdie, Cirous

From Left to right (second row): Rahmi, Solieman, Adam